
1. Nathan Appleton, The Introduction of the Power Loom; and Origin of Lowell (1858), 9.

2. Arnold Toynee. Lectured on the Industrial Revolution in England (1884)

3. Mary H. Blewett, Peter F. Blewett, Fidelia O. Brown, J. Fredric Burtt, Charles F.Caroll, Harry C. Dinmore, Robert Dugan, Arthur L. Eno, Jr. John A. Goodwin, Joseph W. Lipchitz, and Nacny Zaroulis, Cotton Was King: A History of Lowell, Massachusetts (New Hampshire Publishing Company, 1976), 16.

4. Mary Strickland, A Memoir of Life, writings, and mechanical inventions of Edmund Cartwright (London: Saunders and Otley, 1984),63.

5. John D. Clarke, Living History: Industrial Revolution (Great Britain, 1993), 13.

6. Appleton, 10.

7. Appleton, 9.

8. Steve Dunwell, Run of the Mill (David R. Godine, 1978), 29.

9. Strickland, 84.

10. Ibid, 84.

11. Ibid, 68.

12. Ibid, 68.

13. Ibid, 58.

14. Ibid, 58.

15.  Ibid, 59.

16. Dunwell, 29.

17. Strickland, 54.

18. Ibid, 60.

19. Dunwell, 29.

20. Strickland, 59.

21. Appleton, 7.

22. Dunwell, 30

23. Robert Dalzell, Enterprising Elite: The Boston Associates and the World they made (1987), 5.

24. Benita, Eisler, The Lowell Offering (New York: W.W. Norton and Company, Inc., 1998), 13.

25. Dalzell, 6.

26. Appleton, 7.

27. Hannah Josephson, The Golden Threads: New England’s Mill Girls and Magnates (New York: Duell, Sloan and Peace, 1949), 20.

28. Appleton, 9.

29. Ibid, 9.

30. Dunwell, 31.

31. Appelton, 8.

32.  Dunwell, 34.

33.  Ibid, 32.

34. Mary H. Blewett, Peter F. Blewett, Fidelia O. Brown, J. Fredric Burtt, Charles F.Caroll, Harry C. Dinmore, Robert Dugan, Arthur L. Eno, Jr. John A. Goodwin, Joseph W. Lipchitz, and Nacny Zaroulis, 82.

35. Eisler, 15.

36. Harriet H. Robinson, Early Factory Labor in New England.  1883, accessed 16 November 2009; available from http://www.learner.org/workshops/primarysources/lowell/docs/factory2.html; Internet.

37. Eisler, 29.

38. Ibid, 19.

39. Thomas Dubin, Women At Work: The Transformation of Work and Community of Lowell, Massachusetts, 1826-1860 (New York: Columbia University Press, 1979), 17.

40. Mary Lou Emmons, interview by Rachel Emmons, 13 December 2009 (Kennebunkport, ME) phone recording.

41. Dublin, 71.

42. Lucy Larcom, A New England Girlhood.  1889, accessed 16 December 2009; available from http://www.learner.org/workshops/primarysources/lowell/docs/larcom.html;Internet.

43. Emmons

44. Ibid.

45. Robinson

46. Emmons

47. Robinson

48. Mary H. Blewett, Caught Between Two Worlds: The Diary of A Lowell Mill Girl, Susan Brown of Epson, New Hampshire (Lowell, 1984), 15.

49. Ibid, 18.

50. Anita L. McCormick, The Industrial Revolution: In American History (New Jersey, 1998), 33.

51. Josephson, 257.

52. Blewett, 27.

53. Emmons

54. Ibid

55. Eisler, 28.

56. Clarke, 25.

57. Josephson, 219.

58. Emmons

59. Clarke, 25.

60. Ibid, 25.

61. Emmons

62. Toynee

63. Renny MacKay, Interview by author, 16 December 2009, Scituate, MA, Internet/Email.

64. Ibid

65. Kenneth MacKay, Interview by author, 18 December 2009, Scituate, MA, Internet/Email.

66. Ibid

67. Renny MacKay

68. Kenneth MacKay

69. Ibid

70. Ibid

71. Renny MacKay

72. Kenneth MacKay

73. Ibid

74. Renny MacKay