Inventions that Led to the Innovation

Spinning Jenny

In the 1760s, a machine that was able to spin multiple threads instead of just one at a time was invented by James Hargreaves, and called the spinning jenny.  Then, to improve how the spinning jenny functioned, a new development was created referred to as the original fly-frame. “The original fly-flame introduced in England, was without any fixed principle for regulating the changing movements necessary in the process of filling a spool.” [6]

Spinning Frame

After that, many attempts were made to refine this spinning machine by increasing the availability of how much thread each spinner made into cloth.  This led to the patent of the spinning fame in 1769 by Richard Arkwright.  This machine utilized rollers turning at different speeds to produce thread.  Unfortunately, it was far too large and heavy to fit in the private homes of spinners.

Spinning Mule

Afterwards, in 1779, a combination of the moving carriage of Hargreaves’ jenny along with the rollers of Arkwright’s frame was developed into the spinning mule, patented by Samuel Crompton.